Our Mission & Operating Philosophy
Thank you for visiting! Our operating philosophy is centered around building strong nonprofits by utilizing our skills and experience in innovative ways customized to each unique organization. Our mission is to foster meaningful partnerships that drive positive change within communities.
Whether you need assessment and planning support, leadership development, interim executive placement or project-based assistance, our team is ready to collaborate with you every step of the way.
Our Mosaic Logo
Like mosaic tiles, nonprofits consist of many intrinsic components – programs, communications, fundraising, board, staff, volunteers and more.
We help you shape your nonprofit tiles, fix the pieces that are broken or misaligned and construct the full mosaic of your organization for maximum impact.
The Best Resource for You
Our goal is to ensure you receive exceptional service and expertise no matter the situation. We collaborate with a network of over 50 nonprofit consultants throughout the southeastern United States. If we're not the right fit for your needs, we can help identify a firm or professional to provide the best solutions for you!
assessment/planning, leadership development, interim executive services and project management provides the necessary resources for your organization to flourish.